Weekly Company Report Email

The Weekly Company Report Email is a critical part of the Leads > by Company feature.

For Sales users, they will receive weekly emails summarizing company leads activity for their assigned brands. A screenshot of that email is below.

The email subject line uses the format of “# Companies for BRANDNAME”. For example:

  • If there were 7 companies included
  • And the brand name was “ACME News”
  • The subject line would be: “7 Companies for ACME News”

The email contains:

  • Count of existing companies with new engagement or new companies added
  • A “New Engagement” list, showing all companies that have had new engagement in the past week, along with their Company Interest Level
  • A “New Companies” list, showing all new companies forwarded by editors in the past week, along with their Company Interest Level

When is the email sent?

The email is sent at 7AM Eastern USA time zone, at the time this was written.

Will you receive one email per brand?

Yes, you will.

Who receives this email?

This only goes to Sales users (editors will not receive) that are assigned to that specific brand.