How to Use the SwiftRev Content Webhook

Looking to integrate the paid press release content into your CMS (content management system) or website? Then you’re looking for the SwiftRev Content Webhook.

What is it?

It’s a push notification system that sends over all necessary data from a paid press release, when either a paid press release is initially purchased or edited.

Why not use an API?

Great question. Don’t forget that we allow purchasers of paid press releases to also EDIT their press release. With an API, you wouldn’t easily know when to pull updated content, so a push-only system is ideal.

Does it cost anything to use the SwiftRev Content Webhook?

Nope! It’s free to use as it’s an alternative method to the default widget. Looking at your experience with us as a journey, most of our customer start with the widget (fast, no dev needed) then add the CMS integration later using the SwiftRev Content Webhook.

Do I need a software developer/engineer to integrate the SwiftRev Content Webhook?

Yes, you do. This kind of work is advanced and will require a software developer to complete.

The SwiftRev Content Webhook is great for tracking new press releases, but what about all those that were live in the widget before I integrated the webhook?

Great question. We have a CSV download, also available in the interface. We avoid use of an API, as this data will only be accessed once at the initial integration.

Does the SwiftRev Content Webhook provide the content for all brands in my account, or just one?

The webhook is brand-specific.

Ok, it’s time to get detailed and technical…

You can find the controls for your webhook, for each brand, in the Brands > Widgets > Webhook Settings location.

Webhook Invocation Events:

  • Submission of a new press release
  • Update of a previously submitted press release (edit)

Webhook Verification Method:

  • The POST request will include a header ‘x-swiftrev-token’ with the webhook token available in the application.

Webhook POST Request Body


  "prId": "",

  "prPostDate": "",  
  "prSlug": "",

  "prTitle": "",

  "prBody": "",

  "prAbout": "",

  "prHeaderImage": "",

  "prContact": {

  "name": "",

  "phone": "",

  "email": ""


  "editUrl": "",

  "company": {

    "name": "",

    "logo": "",

    "domain": ""



Property Notes

  • prId: Unique identified for a press release in the uuid v4 format. Example: 7302e906-5991-446f-9c2d-f36795fe86c5
  • prPostDate: date specified in ISO 8601 format. Example: 2023-05-18T17:09:31.000Z
  • prBody: HTML formatted content
  • prAbout: HTML formatted content
  • editUrl: Link to the SwiftRev UI for updating press release content
  • company.logo: Compatible with img.src property. Can be a data url or a url to the SwiftRev CDN.