Company Leads

Dashboard | Claiming a Company | Company Overview | Company Interest Level | Brands Engaged | Handleits | Paid PR Spend | Contacts |

The Company Leads feature is the core of the SwiftRev platform, providing a summary and enriched via of all activity, across all contacts, for one company.

  • Get one view of all attempted earned media attempts, sent to your editors (handleits).
  • See all paid press releases.
  • Identify all individuals who have contacted your editors, with interest in your audience.

In short, it’s the single most powerful tool to find qualified interest from future media-buying customers.

First, let’s start with the dashboard – the screen that shows all companies.


Key things to know about the Company Leads dashboard:

  • Every brand has proven interest in your audience – it is a list of all Companies that have attempted to get earned media from your brand, but did not succeed.
  • They are likely not a customer – but all brands forwarded, were decided by your editorial staff
  • They are sorted by highest “Company Interest Level” (more below). In short, the best leads are at the top.
  • To see detail on each company, click on any link in the company’s row. More below.

Within the company column you will notice “tags”. Four in total and uniquely colorful, tags are used to quickly communicate critical information about a company. Use tags, and their filter controls, to quickly identify ideal companies to target. Here are the four in detail:

  • “Multi-Brand”: this company has reached out to 2+ brands at your company. A large opportunity.
  • “Large Company”: this company has at least 1,000 employees. A big budget.
  • “Recent Engagement”: this company has engaged in the last 7 days. This includes a handleit being forwarded by your editor, opening or clicking on a nurture email. A hot lead.
  • “Proven Buyer”: this company has bought at least 1 paid press release. A proven buyer.

In the far right of each company row you will find a count of contacts, plus links to discover IDEAL marketing contacts. Click on:

  • the Google icon, to get a direct link to a filtered search results of top marketers at your company
  • the Linkedin icon, to get a direct link to the company’s Linkedin company page, filtered to “marketing (requires being logged in to Linkedin)

Claiming a Company

A powerful feature within the dashboard is the ability to “claim” a company. For media sales reps, most often companies are assigned as targets. Use the claim feature to make clear that company is your target.

To claim a company, click on the blue “Claim” button on the right side of the row for that specific company.

Note: when you claim a company, your claim is across all user accounts within SwiftRev. In other words, all other users can see you’ve made that claim.

How does one claim a company that was claimed inaccurately by another user?

Click on the “claim” text link below the email address and the claim will be assigned to you.

Now, let’s move on to the Company Detail page (what’s visible when you click on the information for one specific company).

Company Overview

At the top of the Company Detail page, you’ll find key Company Overview section, containing additional information enriched by SwiftRev. This information includes:

  • the website
  • the Linkedin company page
  • the founded year
  • the industry served
  • total employee count
  • total marketing employee count
  • the city, state and country of the company’s headquarters

Note – all fields may not be available for every company.

Company Interest Level

The Company Interest Level brings all the most important lead signals into one, easy-to-understand score and interface.

It shows:

  • “HandleIt Factor”: a measure of the total handleits (failed pitch emails forwarded by editors)
  • “Contact Engagement Factor”: the impact of the most engaged contact from that company
  • “Engagement Recency Factor”: an indication of contact engagement in the last 60 days
  • “Paid Press Release Factor”: a factor indicating if paid press releases have been purchased

Find out more about how the Company Interest Level is calculated.

Brands Engaged

For customers with 2 or more brands on the SwiftRev platform, the “Brands Engaged” section provides a complete picture of all brands contacted by the company.

Want to sell more? Use the “Brands Engaged” data to create a larger proposal, including more brands.


A “handleit” is a forward, from your editor, of a failed earned media attempt. Or put another way, a press release they chose not to cover. Almost always, it’s a non-customer (which is why SwiftRev is really a new logo platform). Use our list of handleits so you can see WHAT it is your future media customers sell and what their priorities are.

Paid PR Spend

If the company has bought a paid press release from your brand, it will show up here. It’s maybe the single most important signal of a future customer – they have already given your brand $$$.


These are the contacts SwiftRev extracted from the handleits. Each contact is sent down an 8-step nurture process. Use the list of contacts to find an ideal target to reach out to first, with the highest “SwiftRev Lead Score”.