
Meeting Request Form – Detail

Note – the Meeting Request Form is a critical part of our Leads feature.

Reminder – SwiftRev, in part, nurtures contacts of potential customers (often failed press releases forwarded to us by editors) to convert those to qualified leads for your existing media products.

As part of that process, we offer contacts links to a Meeting Request form. More on how that works, below.

The Form Location

The meeting request form is customized to each brand’s logo, automatically, and is linked primarily in the nurture emails.

See a sample meeting request form here

A screenshot is also below.

Can you share this link? Absolutely. It’s permanent and is unique to your brand.


When a meeting request is made, all Sales users for that specific brand will receive an email notification. See below.

A meeting request is also important to the SwiftRev Lead Score, as that is a clear confirmation of qualification. Find out more about the SwiftRev Lead Score here.

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