SwiftRev for Revenue Leaders
Find new revenue.
No investment needed.
Find new revenue.
No investment needed.
SwiftRev’s platform unlocks interest in your audiences through an innovative SaaS and marketplace solution. Join the SwiftRev Marketplace and start generating royalty revenue with no required investment.

Trusted by Revenue Leaders at Top Media Companies

First-Ever Reporting
Tracking editorial content, especially in larger teams, is practically impossible. Aggregate all content production, score it and deliver in one single report.

Understand Competitors
Media brands content quality drives perception in market. Do you know if your brand really outperforms your #1 competitor? SwiftRev proves it.

Drive New Revenue
The failed press releases in editors’ email inboxes are an untapped potential for new revenue. Convert them into new direct revenue.
The Paid Press Release
When efforts at reach fail – an email to an editor a with press release and a “request” to cover – what should the sender do? The answer – buy a spot in your “Paid Press Release Channel”, like this.
Promotions are unlocked – to email lists, to social media followers and more – giving the buyer the chance to still get their news out with the backing of your brand.

Get started in 5 minutes.
No engineering needed here. In five minutes, create your account, create your new brand and install copy and paste in widget code into your CMS. That’s it, you’re ready to go.
Built-In Marketing and Sales
Drive revenue through our editorial “Handle It” feature: failed press release emails are forwarded to SwiftRev after which contacts are extracted and 3-step email nurtured to a purchase.
Also, once you joined the SwiftRev Marketplace, let us bulk sale press releases on your behalf through our PR Agency Reseller Program. No investment needed – just look for the royalty check.

Are you interested in new revenue? Check out SwiftRev Revenue.